Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Video Introduction to Joomla 1.5


If you are curious about the new version of Joomla (1.5), then you should nip over to ( ) and check out the training video ( /content/view/138/1 ) they have just published. It walks you through some basic steps in getting a site up and running. It's informative and even a little funny.

Joomla 1.5 goes to Release Candidate 2


The Joomla Project celebrated its second birthday this month with Release Candidate 2, the second of three release candidates for Joomla 1.5. Check it out!

Read the official news

Get Joomla 1.5 RC2

Instructions for upgrading from RC1 to RC2

Discuss Joomla 1.5 on our forum

Vote for the Joomlashack Templates you want to see converted for 1.5!

While still not ready for production sites, the Joomla folks are feeling that a final stable release is coming sometime before the end of 2007. Stay tuned to Joomlashack for updates.

Mambots installed

1) TitleLink Mambot is one of the Top Rated Extensions in This mambot is useful for our site to easily create links to our content items/pages.


Sunday, September 9, 2007

Managing group access for a Joomla multisite

Again, this is a manual configuration of a seemingly multisite feature using OpenSEF. This means that I only have one Joomla installation but many subsite pages which is done by changing the SEF URLs of the site. This also means that you have one Joomla installation consisting of multiple sections for each of your subsite. So when you enable OpenSEF, you can just set Section/Content-Title.htm for the URL. that way it looks as if the subsite is a separate CMS from the main site. Egad, different templates, and main menus. So the problem is:

How do you set up this whole system where users and content providers from these subsites can only add/edit/publish content on their respective subsite sections??? Is there a feature to add a group access on certain content pages?

So I'm now looking into JUGA Joomla User Group Access.

You can download it here but NOTE that you have to register to their site first.

I'va already looked at it. The problem is that I can only create group access on components, contents, and modules, but not categories or sections. I would have to assign e every page created, to a certain group.

Why not assign a group access to a category instead??

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Manual redo of our Joomla Portal site

Since I can't get our Joomla Portal to work on OpenSEF, then I just created a fresh installment of Joomla on a new folder. There aren't a lot of content done on it so I might as well redo the whole thing. I also used it as a testing site for all the components that I experimented on. So I want a clean installment.

These are the steps:

1) "Launch" Joomla (1.0.12) with a certain template
I started with installing a new template from RocketTheme Template Club. It has a RocketLauncher package that includes Joomla 1.0.12 with customized sample data used for the template we selected. I actually copied the template folder from our old joomla portal so I can "inherit" the CSS styles and the background and images that I use for our site.

2) Modified the Rokflow banner
To display the logos that we need for our subsites. For our different regional partners.

3) Enable and test SEO URL capability
I just want to make sure that this is working, for me to be able to use OpenSEF later on. So I will create an .htaccess file and see if it works. It's working! Yeah!

4) Install OpenSEF component
I installed and then go to it's configuration panel to enable it. OpenSEF Enabled? YES. It didn't work. Because I forgot to modify the .htaccess file to uncomment the lines on using third party extensions. Geez! I only uncommented these lines:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (/|\.htm|\.php|\.html|/[^.]*)$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule (.*) index.php

and commented the core SEO lines, and also the Options +FollowSymLinks line.
It's working! Yeah!

5) Work in the mainmenu
What I did is that I moved all the existing menu items on another menu called the template Guide. There I wouldn't really need to delete it, so I can moved back to it once I need something on the Typography or certain module hilites and such. I only retained the Home menu item for the mainmenu.

6) Create static content pages for the menu items
I am about to add menu items News, About Us, Banner Programs, Our Partners, Publications, and Today's Weather. And then their submenus. But before I do that I will create static content pages first. Then I Link to Menu them.

7) I'm kinda caught in the CSS Typhography crap, still. Have to get friendly with CSS and dealing with images. They're a bit shy and hard to get to know at first. I'm sure they'll come around...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Improvements on Joomla 1.5 (in detail)

There was nothing that was explicitly mentioned in about the features
presented in Joomla 1.5, only the main goals which was a bit too vague for me. So I googled on the web and came up with this page (which actually is selling a book about Joomla). I wasn't interested in buying anything so I'll just post what I is said on subject matter.

(View Source Link)

In Detail

Improvements include:

Internationalization: UTF-8 coding throughout, support of right-to-left text flow, and optional language files for all static text facilitate I18n of public front end and administrative back end alike.

User Plug-ins: Allow alternative login mechanisms etc.

Databases: An abstraction interface supports MySQL 4.x or 5.x and future use of other databases.

FTP: A new FTP interface avoids PHP safe mode access problems.

XML-RPC: Support for web service integration of external applications.

Joomla! Framework: Fundamental overhaul of the core functionality provides a better framework for component and extension developers.

Accessibility: Separation of front-end programming logic and presentation aids compliance with accessibility standards and future barrier-free websites.

SEF: Improved support for search-engine friendly URLs with extensions.
These changes mean that you cannot upgrade an existing Joomla! 1.0.x site to 1.5 by simply overwriting the files. Instead you must migrate the site, using a migrator component to dump the old site and an import facility in the Joomla! 1.5 installation, or manually. Since Joomla! 1.5 is on beta release, it should not yet be used in a production environment or if you have important data.

Joomla 1.5 is an improved version of the Joomla Content Management System, which is one of the leading Open-source CMSes. While still in its Beta 1 version, Joomla! 1.5 is still as easy to use as its earlier stable version, but with substantial improvements. Joomla! 1.5 implements the core requirements of a full-featured CMS. It has a powerful and extensible templating system with the ability to upload and manage many different data types. User access control, content approval, rich administrative control, and content display scheduling are all built-in. New features and extensions are constantly added to the core system, with many more being available and supported by the community.