Thursday, November 22, 2007

Joomla! Wins Best PHP Open Source Content Management System

Source article here
Wednesday, October 31, 2007 | News | Content Management
Joomla! is today revealed as the Award's third category winner, claiming Best Open Source PHP Content Management System. Last year's overall winner came out on top ahead of Drupal in second and e107 in third place and receives $2,000.

Joomla! is possibly one of the biggest success stories in open source of late. Its first release came in only September 2005 and since then has grown to be one of the most downloaded Content Management Systems on the web.

Joomla! Project Manager Johan Janssens said that adding this latest award to Joomla's steadily growing collection of prizes was recognition of the project as a whole.

"While I can't pretend to read judges minds, I'm sure Joomla's wealth of community and focus on creating the foundations of a next generation framework, demonstrated the true strengths of the project," he said.

In fact, the judges noted a number of factors that helped Joomla! secure the Award. Most notably its good front-end for administrators and end-users, which gives users a simple and traditional company website straight out of the box. In full agreement with Janssens, the judges commented on the size and responsiveness of the community as a massive strength, noting that it can identify potential problems and deal with them quickly.

Joomla! is also in the final five for the Overall Award, which is announced on Friday November 2.

Full details of the Award finalists and winners.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Portal using Joomla CMS

as of Nov 15, 2007

Version: Joomla 1.0.12
Template: RT_Replicant (RocketTheme Commercial Template)


1) iJoomla Magazine

License: Commercial
iJoomla Magazine is feature-rich. Use it to create a real, professional-looking magazine and give your site the competitive edge you need.

iJoomla magazine allows you to send any of your issues to your members. They'll get a glossy magazine with all the images, articles and styles you've created. Clicking on any of the articles/images will take them directly to your site.

iJoomla Magazine Component comes with 12 possible layouts for your issues' home pages. You can assign a different layout for each issue or use the same layout each time.

2) JEvents

JEvents consists of a Joomfish compatible Joomla component and a number of modules and mambots.

* On-off Events and complex repeating patterns of events can be created and viewed in an attractive calendar and a variety of list formats.
* Events can be categorised and calendar views can be customised to show all or some of these categories

* Mini-calendar module (events_cal) which gives a quick overview of events which can be placed on any page
* Latest events modue (events_latest) which gives a highly configurable summary of upcoming events
* Events legend (events_legend) - displayed alongside the component gives you a summary of event categories and an easy way to limit the events shown to specific categories

* A search mambot that enables the global Joomla search to return results from the events calendar
* Post event report feedback that allows event reports or photo gallery links to be shown in the event detail after a set date

3) titleLink

TitleLink is a plugin to easily create links in Joomla content to other Joomla content by Title or Alias. By inserting text into your content like {ln:Content Managment} you link directly to your content with that title. The purpose of this program is to help create easy ways to drop links to content within the material that you are writing.

4) JoomlaXplorer

joomlaXplorer is a File- and FTP - Manager. It allows you to edit files, delete, copy, rename, archive and unpack files/directories directly on your server. You can - Browse Directories & Files - Edit, Copy, Move and Delete files - Search, Upload and Downloading files - Create new files and directories - Change file permissions (chmod) and much more This script is based on QuiXplorer 2.3.1 (available at

5) astatsPRO

astatsPRO is the integrated version for J! of the popular chCounter(, which perfectly use the Style of your Backend Templates.

* Visitors/page views today, yesterday, total, records
* Visitors currently online/max. online
* Referrers, search keywords, search engines
* Visitor details: browsers/operating systems/robots/user agents, screen resolutions, countries/languages/host-TLDs
* Requested pages; currently online
* Detailed access statistics: daily/weekly distribution, visitors/page views of any day, month, calendar week, year
* Large Admin Control Panel: Customisation of the counter values and many different settings, optional access limitation of the statistic pages, visitors' log data, …
* Layout completely customisable via templates
* Download and hyperlink counter

6) Fireboard Forum

It is a powerful and stylish forum component for a well deserved content management system, Joomla!.

Some of the main features of Fireboard can be listed as below:

* A much more designer friendly forum system. It is close to SMF templating system having a simpler structure. With very few steps you can modify the total look of the forum.
* Unlimited subcategory system with better administration backend.
* Faster system and better coding experience for 3rd parties.
* The same
* Profilebox at the top of the forum
* Support for popular PM systems, such as ClexusPM and Uddeim
* Basic plugin system (practical rather than perfect)
* Language-defined icon system.
* Sharing image system of other templates. So, choice between templates and image series is possible
* You can add Joomla modules inside the forum template itself. Wanted to have banner inside your forum?
* Favorite threads selection and management
* Forum spotlights and highlights
* Forum announcements and its panel
* Latest messages (Tabbed)
* Statistics at bottom
* Who's online, on what page?
* Category specific image system
* Enhanced pathway
* Joomlaboard import, SMF in plan to be released pretty soon
* RSS, PDF output
* Advanced search (under development)
* Community builder and Clexus PM profile options
* Avatar management : CB and Clexus PM options

7) JCE Editor

A WYSIWYG editor for Joomla! based on Moxiecode's TinyMCE.
Includes advanced Image/Media and File handling, plugin support, and an Administration interface for editor configuration.

8) JoomlaPack (com_pack)

JoomlaPack is an open-source backup component for the Joomla! CMS, quite a bit different than its competition. Its mission is simple: create a site backup that can be restored on any Joomla!-capable server. It creates a full backup of your site in a single ZIP archive. The archive contains all the files, a database snapshot and an installer derived from the standard Joomla! installer. The backup and restore process is AJAX powered to avoid server timeouts, even with huge sites. Alternatively, you can make a backup of only your database. If you want a reliable, easy to use, open source backup solution for your Joomla! site, try it out.