Sunday, December 9, 2007

Configuring a web calendar

I am using a popular joomla calendar extension but it doesn't coincide with what our web calendar should be, since it is actually a gig calendar. We don't really need to display band names, venue, etc. But there is one function that we really wanted, and that is the hover function for their mini calendar module. As far as I know, other open source calendars don't have it. And one more, this calendar does not have a date range function. So if you have events that happen for a number of days, you have to repeat the input of event details for that day. Very redundant and inefficient. So I decided to use ANOTHER calendar. So I can make use of the minicalendar module for the latter one, and the full calendar and list module for the previous one.

This is the minicalendar module.

I configured the minicalendar module so that Dec 2007 and Full Calendar would both link to the other full calendar module.

To change the Full Calendar link, I configured Line 204 of mod_gigcal_minical.php located under the joomla modules folder:


which is simply the link to the other calendar module, instead of it's own full calendar module of Gigs.

This is the FULL Calendar module of the other calendar extension.

I have modified the CSS styles of each calendars to fit the design of our web portal.

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