Thursday, December 27, 2007

Joomla 1.0.12 or Joomla 1.5

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Currently people building websites with Joomla are in an odd situation.

There's no upgrade path from Joomla 1.0.12 to Joomla 1.5, so we need to make a choice. Do we recommend the current stable version or do we ask customers to be patient and wait for the new, shiny updated Joomla?

Well, if I had a dollar for every time I'd answered that question .... :)

In fact, its such a common question that I drew up a small list of the advantages and disadvantages for each option.

Current Status
1.0.12 : Currently stable. No security problems and bugs are few and far between.
1.5 : Currently it shouldn't be used for live sites. You'll need to wait for the Release Candidates in order to have a production worthy.

Future Prospects
1.0.12 : Only security upgrades will be made, which means you'll be tied to the current set of features.
1.5 : Very bright. It will take while for developers to update their products and take full advantage of 1.5's new features, but by choosing 1.5 you will have an easy upgrade path to future versions.

1.0.12 : Currently all of the available components on are compatible with 1.0.12.
1.5 : Quite a few components on can run with Joomla 1.5 in legacy mode, but new components that take full advantage of the features on 1.5 are yet to be released.

Obviously this is not updated. A number of components are already updated and are compatible with Joomla 1.5 release candidate versions. Check out

1.0.12 : All the free and commercial templates you'll find currently work with 1.0.12.
1.5 : No commercial and only a few free templates have been released to but expect a rush of designs when the first Release Candidate is issued.

There ARE commercial template clubs that have released versions compatible with Joomla 1.5 RCs. Check out

Why should I choose this version?
1.0.12 : If time is not on your side, go with 1.0.12. Also, if you have a small site, the migration to 1.5 should be relatively painless.
1.5 : If your project is not urgent, or if you're building a large, fully-featured site, its well-worth waiting the extra time to take advantage of 1.5's increased potential.

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